Thursday, April 2, 2009



Current self estimate:90
Target after the trip: 95
Comment/ strategy: I have always been open-minded but not the fullest extent. Mixing with the people in China has made been more open-minded.

Respect for other beliefs

Current self estimate:95
Target after the trip: 95
Comment/ strategy: My respect for other beliefs has always been there a I believe every individual has their own ideas and beliefs. We should respect them as we don't want others to question of beliefs too.

Trust in other people

Current self estimate:85
Target after the trip: 90
Comment/ strategy: Trust in other people back in Singapore has always been there and after hearing about the people in China. how dishonest some of the people are, i increased my guard and lowered my trust in people, but i trusted the peopl here

Tolerance for discomfort

Current self estimate:90
Target after the trip: 95
Comment/ strategy: Discomfort can be overcomed by facing more of it. Only by facing it can we overcome it.

Tolerance fo ambiguity

Current self estimate:70
Target after the trip: 85
Comment/ strategy: There were any doubts, doubts for the people, food, etc, but it all can be settled by experiencing


Current self estimate:85
Target after the trip: 85
Comment/ strategy: Patience remains the same as things like he transportation is really fast but the wait for food is slow so its equal.

Sense of personal control

Current self estimate:75
Target after the trip: 80
Comment/ strategy: Being alone without family or guardians to help you with things creates an envirobment where we have to be independant and have self-control.

Interpersonal skills

Current self estimate:80
Target after the trip: 90
Comment/ strategy: Communication between people is very important, it helps to link people together and get things done. Try to listen more and do more actions rather than talk more.

Willingness to take initiative

Current self estimate:75
Target after the trip: 80
Comment/ strategy: In a foreign place, independence is needed and that is where we also have not much of a choice but to take initiative, but willing to take it is also important, as it helps in the working life.

Willingness to take risks

Current self estimate:90
Target after the trip: 95
Comment/ strategy: Risks are everywhere, it happens every second. It is unavoidable and that leaves us to take what kind of risks, when and where to take it. Coming to China is a a greater risks tahn being in Singapore. Eating and drinking in China is also a risk.

Sense of humour

Current self estimate:90
Target after the trip: 90

Curiousity about other cultures

Current self estimate:80
Target after the trip: 85
Comment/ strategy: I am a chinese but the cultures of chinese in Singapore and the chinese in China is quite different. I like to know the history and the culture of my background.

Comfort level with strangers

Current self estimate:90
Target after the trip: 95
Comment/ strategy: Being in a foreign country with less than 10 familiar faces makes interaction with strangers very common, and because of that,I'm comfortable with them now.

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