Saturday, April 18, 2009

Week 6
Day 2
The day of submission for our APPG miniproject.
I stayed up the whole night to complete this assignement adding features here and there. people ask me "why bother to do so much for a thing that only gives you just 10% of your grades of APPG?"
Well, this has been the mindset of many, and sad to say even myself as well for a few occasions. having been through so much from primary school to now, polytechnic, I have seen all the ups and downs of either my peers or myself. This has really made me want to be able to do the best that I can. Especially with my recent deproving of last semester's results, I have decided that doing my best in everything is the only option that I can have.
Interview went smooth and we all were glad that we had a big burden removed finally. We went to get a cake for Sasi's sister and we singed her a birthday song through the webcam as we not able to be there to celebrate her birthday with her. Sasi cried instead of her sister but her sister still cried later on an hour later. This really proved to me how kinship really mattered to anyone despite being so far from home. Treasure this family as much as you can for one does not know how long can one still treasure it.
We left for the shopping area half an hour away form school to purchase uor door gifts for Tom's family as we were leaving for his house the following morning. We ended up geting tea leaves and honey for him.
At night, we received a call from Tom saying that the trip to his hometown might have to be cancelled due to the Dean's concern for our safty as we were leaving the province. We did not mind having to waste money, just the experience of being to a country side was now so far away.

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