Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 5
Day 2

The weather is as it always is, unpredictable. The temperature dropped down to 9 degrees again! Whenever the temperature starts to rises, the temperature would drop again.
We had I.S in the morning where the director taught us Taoism and Buddhism. As I am a Taoist, I was very interested to learn more about my religion. It seemed that my religion ran away from problems instead of solving them, it had a very different method to achieve the goal.
After lunch the venue of the lesson was changed to a special classroom with headphones and a little control panel. This was the venue for the I.S lesson on Feng Shui and traditional and modern weddings. I fell asleep in class for the first 10 minutes along with many others. It was unintentional but I had already tried my best to keep awake. The topic slowly turned away to the videos on traditional, modern weddings as well as Feng Shui. The main attraction was not all these information, but the way we learnt this. We were listening through the headsets on what the lecturer said as well as what the program was saying. It also allowed the individual to ask the lecturer a question like calling them. I find really well for learning.

After lesson, we discussed with Mr. Chua and came up with the conclusion that the excursion to beauty valley so that we may use this time to study for the theory test. The day camp may be postponed to Monday leaving Tuesday for revising for the test.

We went for dinner after lessons, and I got a packed sausage from the grocery shop next to the canteen and found it to really taste bad. I wonder how the people of China eat it.
Time is really precious, and every single second is equally important. The amount of time spent here in Wuhan is really short and all our assignments are squeezed together. We really need to learn how to control and plan our time well so that we can cope.

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