Sunday, March 15, 2009

For the first part of this post is an assignment, so if you are not Mr Chua or Mr Ma, I think you might wanna skip to the pictures.
TO: Mr Ma and Mr Chua
FROM: Sebastian Tan Wee Kiat
SUBJECT: My Learning Plan
DATE: 4th March
Learning objectives
I would like to learn the difference between the cultures of Singapore and the people in china, or in this case Hubei. Hardly have I been out of Singapore, the nearest I have been to is Malaysia, which is just for 3 days, this does not allow me to really get in touch with the people living there, as well as learning the rich culture that engulfs the people in other countries. Having a trip like this would really give me such an opportunity to explore the lives of people from another country and place what I have learnt from them and apply it to my life.
From my peers and family, it seems to me that the people from Wuhan are loud speaking people, they take people who speak softly as people with ill intentions, but of course this information was dated a decade ago. I have also been enlightened that not only the people in Wuhan, but the majority of people in China is so sought after for money that they go through all sorts of means to gain them, just a tip of the ice berg would be the milk incident where even milk for babies, an important food for babies had been harmed so that the people could earn more money...this really opens up my eyes to really want to know if the people there really have been so suppressed for money that they have to do all these? Another thing is that information that I have learnt about this state, I would like to investigate if they are still true.
Personally after what I have learnt from this trip, I would really use to knowledge to motivate myself to work harder seeing how tough life can be for other people in the same world, as well as to pass this findings to my peers and in the future my children so that they can really understand how life is outside of comfort zone, and that the world really have such situations and such people.

Focus of inquiry
My focus would be on observing the people of Hubei, their actions, their way of life. I really like to help people, and by observing the people in Hubei, I hope to understand the sufferings or prosperity that they are having, and help in any way that I can, be it a form of direct help, or by educating my peers back in Singapore about how they are living. Relationships in life will be my main point of focus.
Questions for investigations
1) Are majority of people in Hubei living in poverty or having a low pay?
To find out if it is true that they are so poor that many underhand means of obtaining money arose because of this.
2) How different is the culture in Hubei different from Singapore’s?
To compare the culture so that I can better understand the people there.
3) If so, does it play a part in creating what the people of Hubei are facing now?
If it is so different, how does it affect how they are behaving?
4) Is everyone in Hubei behaving the same way (good or bad)?
To see if it applies to all the people there or just a few.
5) If so, why is there such a difference?
Why is there a difference in their behaviour if there is a difference?

Development of global skills
1) Open-mindedness: I would like to improve on this skill as this would help me in my decision making. With decision making, one needs to be unbiased and open-minded about things and situations. With open-mindedness, I can decide better without being closed up around the choices I can make.
2) Tolerance for discomfort: Living in Singapore is actually quite a comfort for those who have not been living in other countries; in fact it’s quite a comfort. That’s just a small example. With the many comforts in life, we tend to forget and take for granted many things which play such an important role to making out lives comfortable, and once we are faced with discomforts, we take a very long time to get used to it, so I would like to improve on this aspect as I feel that I have been living in a comfort zone that many would like to live in, so that I would better experience life to it’s fullest
3) Willingness to take risks: Everything that we do have risks in it, the difference is how big or small it is. I have always been taking so many precautions that many things cannot be done. With this trip many risks would be involved, so I would like to take this chance to improve on this skill.
Learning strategies
To a person like me, the best way to learn is to see and hear it for myself, so I would learn all the things that I would like to learn by experiencing it by myself, as well as observing the people and surroundings. I would take pictures and then interpret from what I see, and then support it with the experience that I had when i took the picture as well as what I heard and felt.

Changi Airport

Group Photo
First time flying!
Airplane food(those still there are inedible)
Mr Chua
Mr Ma
Look at the most obvious guy, too much flying is not good...
Guang Zhou airport
First meal in China, Guang Zhou for transit to Wuhan
Group photo
Satish on the far left...I think hes sleeping=p
Check out the first word of the first sentence
Plane mates Yong Xin and Xin Rong
funny that both their names have Xin inside,hmm...
Group mate
Group mate
Crazy Group mate(just kidding!)
Raining on a cold weather = colder!
Road to the university...really really long
Is that snow?
First meal in Wuhan, the university!
My room-mate for 6 weeks
Week 1
Day 1

Take off! We started the first day by meeting at 5.30 in the morning! It was so early that many, including myself did not have much rest the day before. I was very nervous and excited as well as this would be my first time taking an airplane.

Checking in was all right as I got to see what they would do with our luggage. Thereafter, we took the China Southern airlines to Guangzhou for our transit to Wuhan. The plane twin engine plane was quite a small one with a narrow pathway where we had to squeeze and wait for the passengers to move before we could move. The seats were not very up to expectations and the food...acceptable i guess...but as this was my first time taking a plan, I did not really mind about all this shortcomings and enjoyed the scenery outside of the plane as well as the good services that the air stewardess gave us.

Went to Macdonald’s for our lunch where I had what the Macdonald in Singapore did not offer; the grilled chicken burger and also tried out their friends and I felt that although the foods were from the same restaurant, the food had a different taste, and we thought that this is so because of the different eating habits of the people in china.
The next flight that we took was on an even smaller plane. Although this would be my second flight, I felt that the pilot was a little impatient and rough with the plane. The take offs and landings were done although very quickly, but very roughly as well...never the less, I was glad the plane landed safely and we got to where we wanted.

After we landed on Wuhan, we found out that the temperature there was 6 degrees! And once we stepped out of the airport, it felt like I was in a freezer! So cold that our breaths made us seem like we were smoking. Next we took a bus all the way to the WUST (Wuhan University of Science and Technology). The bus trip was around 2 hours long and very noisy as well. The bus driver was a man who did not abide by the rules of the road and kept honking at any vehicles that were in his way! Most of us fell asleep anyway and it rained all the way.

Arriving at the university was a hearty experience, as once we arrived, there were little kids that came up of the hostels and came to see us. We took a look at the hostels we were living in and we had the surprise of a lifetime! The hostel conditions were better than we had imagined it to be much to our relief. Soon after we had our first meal at the canteen and found out that the food that the people in china eats are actually filled with a lot of vegetables and very with meat! Not very delightful to me though. After dinner, packing of the rooms were the main concern, although it must include the ability to stay warm was also the main concern. And that ends our day.

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