Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 2
Day 1

Start of the second week, was really hoping that it would be bring some luck for me. I have not been having the bests of luck this week. Breakfast was the same as usual with a tiny exception that we ate while walking to where we had our lessons. The morning was really chilly; I guess the cold weather was not gone after all, just temporarily gone. Lessons began with the remaining groups that have not presented yet to present. Most of the groups presentations that the teacher highlighted were read-offs which meant that the students read off from the slides, so it was not very well done, and for this, Mr Chua insisted that the groups had to present for the lesson in the afternoon.

After lunch break, we decided to take a shortcut to the building where we had our lessons, and found it to be much shorter and convenient for us to travel there. A new discovery everyday! Lessons continued with the presentations on again where even the teachers were bored of it as the students were still reading off the slides instead of their own words. I guess the teacher could not take it anymore, so he let off 1 hour earlier to have a longer break.

We took this extra time to have a game of table tennis. Satish and Sasi will be playing this game for the first time, so Hwee Ping and I taught them how to play it. It was really hilarious seeing them miss the ping pong ball or hitting them like they are playing badminton or tennis, especially Satish. During the whole time that we were playing them he kept hitting the ball to hard till it was flying all around the table tennis room! We had a good laugh as well as a good exercise running about getting the ball. Sasi and Satish made great improvements while playing the game and I hope that they enjoyed themselves!

We went for dinner right after the game at canteen 2, 1st floor where we had the rice with dishes. Got out of school to purchase tomorrow’s breakfast as well as to change the CDs that I had purchased yesterday night. Tried the mutton on a stick outside of our school and found it to be surprisingly tasty although it was dripping with oil.

Think that’s the end of all the action? Wrong! We went back to our dormitory and was about to cut the watermelon that we bought a few days ago when we saw the bacteria growth on the watermelon as well as a yellowish liquid that was at the bottom of the plastic bag. I threw it immediately of course. Guess what the guys did? They laughed so loudly! Especially the famous Satish! Who always laughed at people when things go wrong for them.

Remember the CDs that I exchanged due to the faultiness? I found 1 of the CDs to be faulty again, looks like I will have to change it again.

I learnt that something that the Chinese have a saying for it. In direct translation “ as long as u have a never-say-die kind of attitude and do not give up, even a metal rod can be rubbed or filed to a little needle”. For the guys that first learnt how to play table tennis today, they practiced and practiced, although not very good, but good enough for playing a small game and having fun. This is what I call the never-say-die kind of spirit.

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