Sunday, March 15, 2009

Looks like Changi Airport?

Fake Nike
Real Nike
Night market
Guess what it is?
Dont worry we didnt try it
First time in a taxi
Behind bars in a taxi?!
Week 1
Day 5

On to the 5th day of being in Wuhan! Guess what day is it today? Sunday! This means...Free and easy time! Was looking forward to this day for days! Our free and easy time would be really independent, that’s because our teachers would not be coming with us, and we plan where we want to go, what time we want to come back, of course before the debrief session and all we have to do is to inform the teachers where we would be going and the time that we would be back. Freedom at last!

Had the bread that we bought from imperial bakery, the place I had mentioned previously, and guess what? It tasted great! Loved it from the first bite! We finally had some delicious food from china.

Did some housekeeping for the service apartments that we were living in (found out that we were actually living in service apartments and not the school’s hostels) Those included sweeping the floor with a broom that was so short that I literally had to bend down to sweep, mop the floor with a mop that very stinks, washed the toilet without soap of any kind along with Dave and that was it. Looks like being trained to do housework at home really helped out. It was not that clean but still marginally acceptable.

Left to explore the city with the group armed with only a map to guide us, we slowly found our way to the shopping centres that we went on the second day by bus. From there, we slowly made our way to the might market that we heard of by foot. Got to tell you this, the scale of the map is really 1 km to 20 minutes! I estimated wrongly we had to ask a pedestrian to confirm if we were going the correct direction. It happened that we were on the right track, just that we were still 1 quarter of the way there! This day we walked for around 5km before reaching our intended destination. Along the way, we spotted a dog pooing in front of us as well as Satish getting his Nike shirt at a bargained price! From 48 to 40 with a single request for discount! Looks like this is really China!

Upon reaching there, we were greeted with a very familiar sight...Bugis Street! Yup the stuff there were really cheap! Just 5 minutes I got myself 3 DVDs and Hwee Ping got herself a blouse, walking deeper, we overheard a quarrel between the customer and the saleswomen who were arguing over the price of the bags. The customer was asking for too much a bargain till the saleswomen even gave her a deal saying this price and on top of that a drink, really desperate already. Did not stay to see the results of the argument, went on looking around, where the girls looked around for clothes and bags, while I looked around for FOOD! Bought a really spicy mutton on a stick as well as a dozen pork on a stick they tasted really great. I got myself a jungle hat before leaving the area. We thought that would be all the action we will be having for the day, but as were walking out, a lady standing beside a car called out to us, asking us to give her a hand. We went over and to our amazement; we saw that the car had actually ran over a rather large piece of concrete with steel wires on it. There were a few guys already there and we helped to lift the car and push it off the slab of concrete. After much struggle, we manage to do so. This caused a hysterical mutter of thanks yous. The lady even offered to treat the guys a meal, and then offered money which 1 guy took, as the last show of gratitude, she offered to give us her number so that if there is anything that we needed help with, we could give her a call and she would help us. We still refused and moved on to make our way back. We tried flagging a taxi but for 15 minutes, we still could not get 1, so we asked a shopper we told us the way to flag a taxi was the same way as in Singapore, but as it was the peak hour, getting a taxi was hard and the kind lady brought us further forward to get a taxi. This was when she spotted an empty taxi and told us to run! She was wearing high heels but she still ran with us. We gave our thanks and hoped on the taxi back to the university.

I guess a good turn arose with a good deed done. We helped someone earlier on and received help later on. Though we did not expect a good turn for us for helping others, but we learnt that within a community, no matter how bad or unfriendly they may seem to be, there is always a kind hearted person inside.

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