Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 3
Day 3

Early in the morning today, I heard excited talking from my dormitory mates. I woke up to investigate and found that the results have been released ahead of time. I already knew how I fared in my results, so I slowly turned on lap-top, connected to the internet and looked up my results. My results were expected and I moved on to wash up after turning my lap-top off.
We covered chapter 4 during programming lessons which was really tedious and long due to the many functions. It took me quite some time before I got the program done and we were off for lunch and then dinner.

Tom joined us soon after and we had a game of table tennis. At the start it was clear that Tom was really good, but we quickly caught up and were having fun playing around. We were finally perspiring a little by the end of the game. Fun indeed!

We went to a small restaurant that Tom recommended. Sasi and Satish tried writing Chinese characters on the paper that was given to us to write the dishes that we wanted. Some characters looked alike, but the others, nothing to say… we had the much wanted Wu Chang fish, some vegetables, chicken, but the real nice dish was the fish. I’m going to have it again before going back home.

We bought the snacks that would last us the whole of the trip to Wudang Mountain and went back to pack for the trip tomorrow.

The people in China live a really simple life with little money, not really good food, but yet, they still lead quite a good life, and they are easily contented, the newer generations that is. Really wish Singaporeans could learn to be easily contented as well.

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