Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bad projection
the canteen where we got cheated!


Week 1
Day 7

1 week has passed since we arrived in Wuhan! Fast and not fast at the same time. Breakfast in the morning was the same again. Finally a day where everything was on time, we were not late for lessons.

APPG in the morning where we finally covered what we came here for, did a little of the exercises from the notes. It was not bad for a start, but we soon encountered a problem, and that is over version of the program was not updated to the latest! We had to spend around an hour trying to install the update and yet it could not work. It soon got to lunch time, without completing the exercises, we went for lunch. Guess what we had? Cup noodles! Super cup noodles tom yam flavor is quite bland, do not try it!

We went back for lessons after lunch where the teacher spent around an hour or so trying to find a way for the update to work. While waiting, we did the other exercises. After a long wait the update was finally ready and we got down to business finishing it up. There was an interesting program that required us to be in words that will be translated into words being spoken out, so we were trying all kinds of words out, having fun while learning!

Once lessons were over we dropped by the service apartment and left our stuffs behind before leaving for dinner at the first canteen of the school. I think I may not go there anymore, that’s because we got cheated our money! We only ordered 3 dishes and it cost us 10 + ren ming bi! The girls ordered 2 dishes and they were charged 3 + ren ming bi! O well, but we did not bother to go get our money back, so just count our luck.

We went to purchase some necessities and our breakfast for tomorrow. That’s the end of our day. There is 1 really important thing that I learnt today and that is to always persevere during hardships and we will get our results soon enough.

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