Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 4
Day 1

Another day where APPG seems never ending. Programming again, with less time to study and tests and syllabus being pushed forward, I.S report needing to be completed, journals every single day, labs to be completed too.

Less than 3 weeks left in Wuhan. Somehow I just don’t feel like leaving, not even for the comfy bed, proper toilet and food, technology, facilities, family and friends. The feeling of being independent is very different, contradicting; I’ve been left to be independent most of the times when I’m at home, but here in Wuhan, it’s actually really independence.

Programming was quite all right with a few common problems here and there. Satish as of today, is officially known as Squid-Wurt the froggy, and for me, Spongebob just because our characters matches those of them.

I’ve learnt that behind every smiling face is a sad tale, and vice versa for a sad face. Things do not appear the way they will always be. We have to learnt to adapt and spot these differences.

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