Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 2
Day 6

Another original day from the start of the day, had APPG in the morning. Had lunch right after that, we tried something different today. I had the mushroom with shredded chicken dish with a gigantic bowl of rice! The lady told me that the rice was free and I could keep refilling the rice if I wanted to. The rest of the group had a change of dish too; they had soup for their meal.
We were back for APPG after lunch. We were released early so that we may prepare for the get together later on in the day. We were busy settling our programming that we only left at around 5, where we went back to prepare. We kept coming up with ideas for the performance, but only reach a decision 15 minutes before the meeting time, and we practiced the dance steps within these 15 minutes and went to the dance and singing hall on the 3rd floor of the recreational building.

The MC was the DJ of the school’s radio station. We started off choosing a card from a stack of them, which became our group’s number. After getting into our groups, we introduced each other and started talking about everything about Singapore and from them, China. The performance started soon and our group was the 1st one to perform our item. We started the dance quite all right and a few mess ups here and there, but over all we enjoyed ourselves, which was the most important part of it all.

The night continued with fun activities and much talented performances with dancing, singing, and a little performance. It was really fun and I would not mind going for another one if I could.
Learning how to interact with people of a different culture is not as easy as it seems. Although they are Chinese, but their culture here in China is so much different than in Singapore. Even the language that they use, the same word they will use a different way or method to say it, so learning to adapt is very important especially if one is staying in a different country for a set amount of time.

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