Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tai Ji

Group photo!

Sun in the water!
Stare at the bow
Ta da!

Cannon balls that costed a bomb!
Prizes sword, i wouldnt wanna touch it
large coffin
WOAH how did they do it?

looks real?
Our lecturers!

1 of the old looks of the yellow crane tower


Long road ahead which explains the next picture below

looks like the white house eh?
table tennis or pool?
Fireworks is quite a common sight at night and even in the day!

Week 1
Day 4

Trip to Yellow Crane Tower! We had to get up really early to go to that place of interest. Our group decided to meet earlier than the meeting point to have breakfast. Everything was planned well till we overslept! We rushed to meet the group before getting our breakfast which was “yu tiao” and “bao zi”. We proceeded to take the bus to Yellow Crane Tower.

We did not know that the trip was arranged in that manner that we visit the east lake, the provincial museum and then the Yellow Crane Tower.

First stop East Lake. The East Lake is one of the biggest lake in Wuhan, its vastness cannot be compared to any reservoirs in Singapore. It was really cold when we got there, I was shaking really bad, and I even had to turn on the anti-shake feature in my camera to take photographs!
We took a tram for the tour around the lake; the lake had amusement park kind of features. Other than taking pictures from nice spots of the lake, we played archery and cannon firing, yes you saw correctly cannon firing. For the archery I hit the bull’s eye and most of my shots were on target. On to the cannon firing, we had baskets of disfigured tennis balls. We had to adjust the cannon so that it can hit the target. I fired and hit most of the targets. Other than having a deafening sound, it also has disfigured tennis balls. They said just 2 ren ming bi per ball, but she kept feeding me with the balls, till 2 baskets were used up, so I felt really cheated.

We went to the provincial museum. There were very strict security checks, even stricter than in Singapore’s Istana. The museum was set in ancient Chinese kind of setting with their ancient buildings kind of design. Inside the museum were precious ancient artefacts of princes, kings, etc. There were many kinds of ancient artefacts that I have never seen before. The worst thing that can happen on a visit to the museum is low battery for the camera! My battery ran out so I could only take a few photos. As for what I saw there, I will let the pictures tell the story.

Dinner was what I was looking forward to, but I guess dinner in school could never beat the food outside other than the pricing itself that is. Had some fried rice before leaving with the group to explore the roadside shops along the road on the right side of school (that’s how we found our way around the area near to the school) we found a few interesting stalls, including the bakery whose breads was delicious, as well as a KFC, along with a supermarket, where Sasi got her thermal wear or better known as long john. There was also a night market that sold roadside snacks, but it was not appetizing at all so we gave it a miss.

The history of China I have always known was vast, but after arriving here, with the heritage trip, I found out it was even vaster that I ever imagined! I hope to learn more about the history of China or at least more about this place where I am in right now, Wuhan.

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