Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 2
Day 2

The weather is back to rainy and cold again! It was drizzling a little in the morning and the wind was blowing real hard till the umbrella that I was holding actually bended to the sheer force of the wind. We went for lessons in the morning. It was programming today, and we were touching on chapter 2 today, which Mr Chua was hoping to cover it all today.

After lessons, we went for lunch in canteen 1 which was right opposite the library, and it was in this canteen that I had a real eye opener. The canteen was packed and every single one, including the ladies was jostling around pushing and squeezing to get through the crowd. I have heard of people in China pushing around and cutting queues, but I have not encountered this kind of situation first hand. After much waiting and slowly maneuvering through the crowd I finally sat down with the group to have lunch.

We continued lessons for an hour or so after lunch. We were let off early so that we may prepare for the trip tomorrow. We took this opportunity to check out the supermarket that our teachers introduced to us. We followed their directions and found that there was no such place at the place where the teachers told us. Instead, it was way off the place that the teachers told us its location was.

The supermarket was quite big for one, and the pricing of the stuff there were quite normal, with the winter clothing selling at a rather cheap price. I guess it was due to the end of the winter season, and the weather here in Wuhan is approaching hotter times.

After shopping around for a little tidbits and mineral water for the trip, we got back to school to be on time for the basketball match between Ngee Ann Polytechnic students the students of Wuhan University of science and technology. It was a rather interesting match as well as tension filled, as the players from both teams were really good. Honestly this is 1 the best matches of basketball I have ever seen, other than those in NBA that is. Our school won in the end, but it was the experience that mattered not who won so good job guys!

Our group left the school to the roadside stalls for dinner. I got 30 sticks of mutton on a stick which tasted really really nice! Tastier than any mutton I have ever tried in Singapore! Wish you be here to try out the mutton Gabriel, sorry man. We also got a popiah looking dish which tasted not bad and dumplings coupled with drinks from a nearby shop. A really tasty but unhealthy meal, the taste was worth the sacrifice, not everyday though.

Learnt a little something today. You know about the times when the first thing that came into your mind about some things is that things are suppose to be the way it was supposed to be? Complicated? An example would be like people who are older should naturally have more experience, but sometimes situations turn the tables around. Today, I was thinking our team might not be able to win the match against the university students, but I was proven wrong, in fact we did very well against them. Things might look like this from an angle, but from another angle, it might seem another way. So guys, always look at things from every angle before passing judgement.

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