Sunday, March 15, 2009

bad lighting

whats inside the vase

Week 1
Day 6

1 more day to a full week in Wuhan. A normal day today except that we had to attend lessons at 8a.m! woke up at 6,30 and had breakfast before we leave for lessons.

We had a guest lecturer who gave us a introduction to Wuhan. The lecturer had quite a good command of English, I believe that she had had education in the united kingdom’s before as I recognised the accent. We had 4 hours of lessons before lunch break. We later had lunch in the canteen where the usual food greeted us again...o choice.

After lunch, we got back to lessons where we summarised what the guest lecturer taught us today and submitted to teacher. Basically nothing much happened...till after lessons where we went to the nearby row of fish ball kings to have dinner! We were greeted by the stall owners who tried to get us to eat at their place, but we went over to the restaurant with the most number of cars parked outside to have our dinner. This was the correct decision that we made because the food was delicious!

We ordered a big bowl of fish balls, mutton ribs, doufu, pigeon meat, local vegetables, local fish. All of which were somewhat delicious. The mutton was spicy but filled with little meat, doufu was the best of all, pigeon was quite alrite, the fish balls! The most unique of all! The fish ball literally melted in your mouth when placed inside! I wonder how they did that! The amount of food was just nice and we went back to school for a tour in the recreational centre right beside our service apartment, that ended my day.

I learnt a little trick today. How to know which stall sells the best food among the stalls that sells the same type of food? See the number of vehicles that are parked outside the restaurant!

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